Transport to Muath Centre


Transport Options to Muath Centre from City Centre

First, you can check which one the suitable route from your departure with Google Maps, or Network West Midlands Apps

From: Your Location

To: B11 1AR (Muath Centre Post Code)


How to go to Muath Centre

There are several ways to arrive at Birmingham

  1. Birmingham Airport (use train to Birmingham City Centre)
  2. New Station for Train
  3. Bus Couch Station

from this point we can take any options of transport to go to our Main Venue


by Bus

* Accompanied children under 5 travel free

* Pay with exact money, no change will be given by bus driver

Day Saver Ticket

  1. Aduts Day Saver £4.20
  2. Child Day Saver (for children aged 5-15 inclusive) £2.90
  3. Family Day Saver (2 Adults and 4 Children) £8
  4. Group Day Saver (5 People) £8
  5. Evening Group Day Saver (up to 7pm) £6

Short Stop 1 Way (1 Stage ~ usually 3 Bus Stop)

  1. Stage 3+ Aduts £2.20
  2. Stage 3+ Child £1.55
  3. Stage 1-2 Adults £1.90
  4. Stage 1-2 Child £1.30


by Taxi

TOA BLACK Cab 0121 4278888.

CENTRAL Cab 0121 3562020.

A2B Cab 0121 7333000.

Blue Line Taxi 0121 523 6666

Taxi From City Centre – Muath Centre ~7 to ~10 Pound

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