Open Voluntary Position 1617


No deadline, can join any time, any projects, any occasions…
bi idznillah…

KIBAR 2016 – 2017 have 3 scope to focus, Da’wah Outreach, Humanity & Appeals, and Learning & Development. We also have special main-organ; Muslimah KIBAR (Family & Youth), under internal division we also have media design & publication and technology.

We invite all SAHABAT KIBAR to involve and participate, we also welcome any join programs or partnerships in clear terms and conditions. If you have great idea that not include in our plan, don’t be hesitate to discuss it with us, never the less, you is the most important assets for this ummah, and whose will make better future, insyaallah.


# Muslimah (Family & Youth)
Mengelola program tarbiyah untuk muslimah, family and youth, dan pengembangan kepribadian anak, baik online maupun offline.

# Dakwah Outreach
Mengelola koordinasi dengan pengurus lokaliti untuk iTalk KIBAR, iTalk Ramadhan, program pengajian rutin dan even istimewa.

# L&D (Learning & Development)
Mengelola kordinasi dengan pengurus lokaliti untuk program kajian-kajian dan diskusi-diskusi umum.

# Humanity
Melakukan koordinasi menggalang kepedulian sosial diantara jamaah kibar dan sosial isu secara umum.

# Media Design & Publication
Mengelola dokumentasi image, audio, video dan media lain

# Technology
Support technical media kibar, radio kibar, website, FB page, Twitter, dan media sosial lainnya.

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