Meneruskan informasi dari IHSAN-UK mengenai Zakat Fitr – Fidya & Infaq lainnya yang didistribusikan kepada masakin 245 orang, di berbagai daerah.
Kami atas nama KIBAR-UK dan IHSAN-UK mengucapkan jazakallah khairan atas kepercayaan sahabat sekalian untuk berpartisipasi menyampaikan infaq tersebut ke Indonesia.
Alhamdulillah, this is our report about the distribution of zakat fitrah and zakat maal (zakat of profession) or alms. To make sure that the distribution of zakat fitrah especially, we formed three teams to brows many different villages and neighbourhoods. For the purpose of speeding up the browsing, we ask someone in our target area to guide us around so that only those most entitled persons would be visited and presented with the zakat money.
albums: (Asyari Usman)
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Zakat Fitr – IHSAN 2016.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”450″ style=”embed”]